Sunrise & Sunset Time Calculator

Sunrise  =  11:39 AM
Sunset  =  11:45 PM

Sunrise and Sunset calculator calculates the exact time of sunset and sunrise of a given day of Gregorian calendar. It is is an online calender tool to calculate sunset and sunrise at your location or any part of the world for any present, future or past date.
It is necessary to follow the next steps:

  1. Enter latitude, longitude, time zone and date in the corresponding formats: $m/d/y$. The latitude values must be in the range $[-90^o,90^o]$ while the longitude values must be in the range $[-180^o,180^o]$. The months must be in the interval $[1,12]$, the days must be in the interval $[1,31]$ and the years must be in the interval $[1900, 2019]$;
  2. Press the "CALCULATE" button to make the computation;
  3. Sunrise and sunset calculator will find the times of sunrise and sunset for the selected date.
Input: Two real numbers, the first in the range $[-90^o,90^o]$, the second value in the range $[-180^o,180^o]$, timezone and date $m/d/y$. These box contain the calender interface;
Output: The result is in time format $HH:MM\quad XM$, i.e. a $12$ hour system where seconds are not given, $XM$ represents $AM$ or $PM$.

Sunrise is the moment when the Sun appears on the horizon in the morning. Sunset is the disappearance of the Sun below the horizon in the evening.

Latitude is a coordinate which represents the northsouth position of a point on the Earth. Latitude is an angle which ranges from the Equator to North or South at the poles. It is usually denoted by $\phi$ or $\psi$ and tt is measured in degrees.Latitude takes value from the interval $\phi\in[-90^o,90^o]$, where $0^o$ represents the Equator.

Longitude is a coordinate which represents the eastwest position of a point on the Earth. It is an angular measurement, expressed in degrees and denoted by $\lambda$. Meridians connect points with the same longitude.The prime meridian passes through the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, England. It has the longitude of $0^o$. The longitude takes value from the interval $\phi\in[-180^o,180^o]$.

The grade school students may use this sunrise and sunset calculator to find what time is sunset and sunrise today or any other specific date.

Use of Sunrise & Sunset Time Calculation

Because of various life's needs, usually we want to find sunset and sunrise for some date. Many people are watching sunset and sunrise because they have a good influence on their mental and physical abilities. Sunrise and sunset calculator will be very important for fishermen, photographers, pilots, etc. The calculator would be very useful for grade school students (K-12 education) to understand the concept of geographical coordinates.