Weight Loss calculator

Goal weight
Weight loss pace
Daily activity:
Current Weight       =  
Maintain New Weight (after
reaching goal)         =  
Weekly calories:  =  
№ of week Meet Weight Goal Proteins Carbohydrates Fats
1. 1404842176386
2. 1398839175383
3. 1391835174383
4. 1384830173381
5. 1377826172379
6. 1370822171377
7. 1363818170375
8. 1356814170373
9. 1349809169371

Weight Loss Calculator

    Weight Loss Calculator uses details like sex, height, weight, age, physical activity level, and weight loss pace to calculate how many calories we need to eat a day to decrease weight. Weight Loss Calculator is the ideal way to manage your plan how many calories to burn for certain of your weight loss goals. Be realistic within the weight loss deadline. Only healthy and quality weight loss is provided here, not instant, which usually has a yo-yo effect.
    Weight Loss calculator answers the question: ”How many calories should I eat in a day to lose weight?” It is necessary to follow the next steps:
  • Enter sex, height (in meters), weight (in kilos), age, and physical activity level. The height value must be in the range [0.5, 2.2]. The weight value must be in the range [15, 220]. The age value must be in the range [0, 105];
  • Enter your goal weight (in kilos). The value must be positive in the range [20, 250]. This value must be less than the current weight;
  • Choose how quickly you want to lose weight. In other words, choose your weight lose pace. Choose one of two given options: 0.5 kg/per week or 1 kg/per week;
  • Press the ”Galculate” button to make the computation.
    Most experts agree that losing between 0.5 and 1 kilos each week is a safer approach to weight loss. Since 1 kilo equals approximately 7000 calories, by reducing caloric intake by 3500 to 7000 calories each week, we will safely lose about 0.5 to 1 kilos each week.

    Weight Loss Calculator allows us to change the units which are displayed. We can switch between centimeters, meters, kilograms, pounds, etc., according to needs and preferences.

What represents the term Weight Loss?

    The term ”weight loss” refers to a reduction of body weight. Weight Loss is a decrease in total body weight due to loss of body fluids, body fat, and/or muscle tissue, and mineral stores in bones or connective tissues. Weight loss may be due to illness or disorder.

What is important to lose weight?

    We probably know the fact that we need to eat moderately to lose weight healthily. We also know that we must eat healthy food because no diet is as good as a healthy and balanced diet. You have probably been asking yourself for a long time ”How to eat healthy to lose weight?” Here are eleven simple tips for healthy weight loss:
  • Reduce intake of ”empty calories”. Empty calorie foods are the ones that give you only instant energy and nothing more. For instance, a glass of carbonated drink, biscuits, or burgers does not contain any vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. It is better to eat an omelet with vegetables or a milkshake without sugar instead.
    It would be good to make a plan in the evening for what you will eat during the next day.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Try to drink some fluids, preferably plain water, every time you are hungry, after dinner or just before lunch, to deceive hunger and ”overcome the crisis.” Thirst very often occurs as hunger. Other liquids you can drink are freshly squeezed fruit juice, sugar-free milkshake, lemonade, unsweetened tea. Practically everything that does not contain refined sugar. Be sure to eliminate alcohol, beer separately.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables require the least work for digestion tract and do not create a reaction of the mucous membrane. Therefore, they can be eliminated from the body easily. They not only saturate but can also be a great refreshment instead of unhealthy sweets. So, when you are hungry, just eat fruit and a little lettuce and chew them well.
  • Avoid sitting, speed up physical activity. Go on foot whenever you can, and use every free time for a walk. When you are at work you can do office exercises that will maintain your basal metabolism. Go to the gym three times a week.
  • Chew food properly. Proper chewing of food can help with weight loss. Did you know that improper chewing of food can cause a feeling of bloating? It takes the stomach about 20 minutes to send satiety information to the brain. Therefore, chewing food slowly is one of the keys to weight loss.
  • Make a menu plan. The best weight loss plan is to make a seven-day menu. This is one of the biggest secrets to continuous weight loss. Even famous nutritionists methodically plan their diet to include healthy food and lose weight. Making a good menu also helps you plan and buy both time and money.
  • Increase protein intake, reduce carbohydrates. One of the healthy ways of eating that leads to weight loss is to introduce proteins into the diet, but they must be from lean meat (chicken, fish, beef). Also, make sure you eat a minimum of 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight each day and you can be sure that your metabolism will function properly.
  • Change the dimensions of the plate. It is advisable to reduce the size of a plate because the larger the container, the potential chance that you will pour much more, without even being aware of it.
  • Keep healthy food at your fingertips. You will only eat healthy food when you stock up and when it is in your eye. Smart meal planning also means planning the space on the refrigerator shelves.
  • Take micro-nutrients from nature. Nature has provided us with all the ingredients that keep us healthy and in shape. The sun’s rays and vitamin D are one of the best weight loss factors that exist. Namely, it has been proven that a large amount of vitamin D can really stimulate the body to get rid of fat more easily.
    Are you getting enough or not enough vitamin D?
    Overweight people may be deficient in vitamin D because all that fat is ”captured” by vitamin D. The much-needed vitamin D is also found in cod liver oil, sardines, mackerel, herring, salmon, and mushrooms. Also, calcium is an important mineral when it comes to weight loss. Make sure you take both in sufficient quantities.
  • Eat more complex carbohydrates. Consuming complex carbohydrates not only helps in regulating insulin but also helps in bowel emptying. Therefore, replace these refined carbohydrates with a much healthier option of unprocessed grains. Your blood sugar will be more stable, satiety longer, and plant fiber intake higher.

How many calories should I eat in a day to lose weight?

    For a person to lose weight, she/he must take into account how many calories he ingests during the day. Daily calorie intake is not the same for all people. According to the US Department of Health, adult women need to consume an average of 1600-2400 calories a day, and adult men 2000-3000 calories to maintain weight. Also, physical activity is important, as are many other factors. Factors that affect the number of calories a person needs to stay healthy include age, weight, height, gender, level of physical activity, and general health. The person trying to lose weight must take care of calorie intake so that the body can function normally and have all the necessary nutrients. To begin, we need to consume fewer calories than we expend in total energy. However, not all calories are the same. Calories from nutritious food sources will provide fuel for our activities during the day and will make us in good mood.

    To estimate our weight lose plan calorie by hand, we need to follow these steps:

1. Calculate the basal metabolic rate (BMR) using the Mifflin-St Jeor formulas:

BMR (kcal/day)men = 10 × weight (kg) + 625 × height (m) − 5 × age (y) + 5

BMR (kcal/day)women = 10 × weight (kg) + 625 × height (m) − 5 × age (y) − 165

BMR is the amount of energy a human body uses when it is at rest. In other words, it’s the amount of energy needed to support bodies vital functions: breathing, blood circulation, controlling body temperature, brain, etc.

2. Calculate the total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) which estimates our total daily energy expenditure, and helps us to find out how many calories we burn every day.
First, choose the index of your physical activity level (PAL) from one of the following:
  • little/no exercise: 1.2;
  • light exercise 1-2 times/week: 1.375;
  • moderate exercise 2-3 times/week: 1.55;
  • hard exercise 4-5 times/week: 1.725;
  • physical job or hard exercise 6-7 times/week: 1.9;
  • professional athlete: 2.4.
Multiply BMR and PAL to determine the total daily energy expenditure, i.e.

TDEE (kcal/day) = BMR × PAL

This is the amount of calories we should eat to maintain your weight.

3. Finally, to calculate our daily weight loss calorie requirement (WL(i)) in the i-th week, depending on the choice 0.5 kg/per week or 1 kg/per week, we use the following formulas:

       – If weight loss pace is 1 kg/per week, then

WGmen(i) = (10 × (weight + i − 1) + 625 × height − 5 × age + 5) × PAL - 1000

WGwomen(i) = (10 × (weight + i − 1) + 625 × height − 5 × age - 161) × PAL - 1000

       – If weight loss pace is 0.5 kg/per week, then

WGmen(i) = (10 × (weight + i − 1 2 ) + 625 × height − 5 × age + 5) × PAL - 500

WGwomen(i) = (10 × (weight + i − 1 2 ) + 625 × height − 5 × age - 161) × PAL - 500

    We can reduce weekly calorie intake by between 3500 to 7000 in one the following ways:
       A. Eat 3500 to 7000 fewer calories weekly, i.e. 500 to 1000 fewer calories daily;
       B. Burn off 500 to 1000 calories daily through exercise;
       C. Combine the previous two items.

Which food is rich in healthy sources of calories?

    Our meals must contain fresh salad, vegetables (raw or cooked), and fruits in moderation. From meat, it is best to take fish and chicken. Whole grains are rich in fiber. Healthy fat is eaten through walnuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts), but in smaller quantities. The best drink is water and no other liquid can replace it. in addition to water, we can drink unsweetened tea or coffee without sugar.
    On the other hand, empty calories are found in sweets, fast food, dough, etc. Soon after consumption, they cause a feeling of fatigue, increase the desire for food because they create a feeling of hunger.

Calorie Tables

100gr Energy (kJ) Calorie (kcal)
Pineapple 230 56
Banana 410 99
Blueberries 260 62
Peach 192 46
Grapes 295 70
Grapefruit 180 42
Apple 218 52
Strawberries 150 36
Watermelon 100 24
Raspberries 170 40
Mandarins 200 48
Apricot 230 54
Oranges 226 54
Plums 245 58
Cherries 240 57

100gr Energy (kJ) Calorie (kcal)
Broccoli 140 33
Cauliflower 117 28
Celery 159 38
Beans 480 110
Peas 389 93
Kale 190 46
Cucumber 42 10
Cabbage 218 52
Onion 175 42
Carrots 146 35
Eggplant 110 26
Tomato 80 19
Asparagus 80 20
Spinach 96 23
Lettuce 59 14

Milk and dairy products
100gr Energy (kJ) Calorie (kcal)
Milk (3,2 % fat) 275 66
Yogurt 360 40
Sour cream 800 192
Cream 1300 317
Chocolate pudding 560 134
Cheese spreads (23% fat) 480 115
Melted cheese (45 % fat) 1275 385
Hard cheese (45% fat) 1555 372

Meat and meat products
100gr Energy (kJ) Calorie (kcal)
Hot dogs (beef+pork) 1350 320
Sausage (chicken) 1080 258
Liver Patte 1860 440
Sausage 1355 324
Minced meat 1060 253
Chicken (boneless white meat) 600 144
Turkey (boneless white meat) 970 231
Salami, chicken, turkey 820 197
Bacon 2530 605
Pork 1445 345
Smoked ham and prosciutto 1653 385
Cooked ham 1145 274
Veal 390 105

100gr Energy (kJ) Calorie (kcal)
Mussels 270 66
Herring 650 155
Lobster 305 86
Squid 295 77
Salmon 910 217
Trout 470 112
Sardines in oil 1005 240
Mackerel 820 195
Carp 270 65
Shrimp 310 91
Tuna in oil 1270 303

Cereal products
100gr Energy (kJ) Calorie (kcal)
Black bread 1046 250
Rusks 1590 397
Care 1550 370
Dough cakes 1315 314
Popcorn 1580 376
Whole grain bread 1004 240
Cornbread 915 220
Cornflakes 1625 388
Wheat flour 1550 370
Rye flour 1490 356
Rice 1540 368
Soybeans in grain 1785 427
Soy cheese (tofa) 285 72
Pasta with eggs 1630 390
Oat meal 1680 402

Potatoes and potato products
100gr Energy (kJ) Calorie (kcal)
Potato chips 2375 568
Potato 355 85
French fries 1130 270

100gr Energy (kJ) Calorie (kcal)
Butter 3190 755
Margarine 3040 720
Mayonnaise 3200 761
Pig fat 3800 900
Vegetable fat 3150 753
Olive oil 3800 900
Sunflower oil 3885 928

100gr Energy (kJ) Calorie (kcal)
Hole egg 700 167
Yolk 1580 377

100gr Energy (kJ) Calorie (kcal)
Candy 1630 390
Milk chocolate 2355 563
Nutella 2220 534
Gummy bears 1450 345
Cocoa powder 970 232
Jam 1090 261
Honey 1275 303
Sugar 1650 391

100gr Energy (kJ) Calorie (kcal)
Lemonade 210 49
Apple juice 200 47
Orange juice 200 47
Grapefruit juice 170 40
Carrot juice 120 28
Grape juice 300 71
Light beer 190 45
Red wine 280 66
White wine 290 70
Whiskey 1050 250