Blood type calculator

Mother Blood type
Father Blood type


Chance Percentage
Chance for type A 93.75 %
Chance for type B 0 %
Chance for type AB 0 %
Chance for type O 6.25 %
Chance for Rh+ 93.75 %
Chance for Rh- 6.25 %

A A0 or AA
B B0 or BB

Punnet square for possible blood types

Blood type calculator?

Use our blood type calculator to learn about blood type, and the possible types of blood types your baby may have. Once the blood types of the parents are entered, our blood type calculator will do the work for you in determining possible blood types of your child.

See the table that breaks down the different blood groups of donors and recipients and how they determine types of blood for blood transfusions.

What blood type i have?

Blood groups were discovered by Karl Landsteiner when he found out that the red blood cells had specific substances on their surfaces, then that was used to create blood types. There are two blood group classifications in humans which are the ABO and the Rh systems.

There are four groups of blood: A, B, AB and 0. Blood type A has the antigen A, blood type B has the B antigen, and O which dont have an antigen on its surface. Each of these groups is either Rh positive or Rh negative, we can conclude that there is eight blood types in total.

Everyone inherits his blood type genetically from their parents. the blood group of each person is described by two alleles:

  • Blood type A: alleles AA or A0
  • Blood type B: alleles BB or B0
  • Blood type AB: alleles AB
  • Blood type 0: alleles 00
N.B. people who have the blood type 0 they necessarily have 00 alleles, because the allele 0 is recessive and the Alleles A and B are dominant.

What blood type will my child have?

In this section we will show you how to determine your baby blood type, thats important to know the parents blood type as each parent will donate one of two ABO genes to their child, so the child blood type will depend on parents blood type.

In this example we will calculate manually the possible blood type for your child, so lets suppose that your blood group is A Rh+, and your partner's is B Rh-.
These are the steps to calculate the probabilities for possible blood types for your child:

  • As your blood group is A, there is two possibilities either you have AA or A0 alleles.
    So there is 75% chance that your child inherit an A allele and 25% chance that you child inherit an 0 allele.
  • As your partner blood group is B, there is two possibilities either he have BB or B0 alleles.
    So there is 75% chance that your child inherit an B allele and 25% chance that you child inherit an 0 allele.
  • To obtain the chance for each blood group we should multiply the probabilities like this:
    - 25% * 25% = 6.25% that your child's genotype is 00.
    - 75% * 25% = 18.75% that your child's genotype is A0.
    - 25% * 75% = 18.75 that your child's genotype is B0.
    - 75% * 75% = 56.25% that your child's genotype is AB.
  • In this case there is no calculation for this step so the results are:
    - 18.75% is the chance for A blood group.
    - 18.75% is the chance for B blood group.
    - 56.25% is the chance for AB blood group.
    - 6.25% is the chance for O blood group.
    In some other cases to calculate the chance for A blood group we should add the chance of AA to the chance of AO, also to calculating the chance for B we should add the chance of BB to the chance of BO.

Now to calculate the chances of Rh+ or Rh- groups we can proceed like this, there is the three possibilities:
- If both parents are Rh+: 93.75% chance for an Rh+ and 6.75% chance for an Rh- blood type.
- If both parents are Rh-: 100% chance for an Rh- blood type.
- If one parent is Rh+ and the other one Rh-: 75% chance for an Rh+ and 25% chance for an Rh- blood type.

In our case your child will have 75% of chance for an Rh+ and 25% of chance for an Rh- blood type

Blood transfer

When we should have a blood transfusion we would receive blood of the same ABO and RhD blood group, But if the same blood group is not available, we might receive another group but it depends on our blood group.

The table above shows the possible blood transfusions of donors and recipients based on blood type.

RECEPIENT 0+ 0- A+ A- B+ B- AB+ AB-
0+ yes yes no no no no no no
0- no yes no no no no no no
A+ yes yes yes yes no no no no
A- no yes no yes no no no no
B+ yes yes no no yes yes no no
B- no yes no no no yes no no
AB+ yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
AB- no yes no yes no yes no yes