Million - Crore - Lakhs Conversion Calculator

Enter value
1 Million = 1000000
1 Million = 10000 Hundereds
1 Million = 1000 Thousands
1 Million = 10 Lakhs
1 Million = 1 Million
1 Million = 0.1 Crore
1 Million = 0.001 Billion
1 Million = 1.0E-6 Trillion

Billion - Million - Crores - Lacs Conversion

Million Billion Calculator is a number & currency conversion tool to perform the conversion between trillions, billions, millions, crores, lacs, thousands & hundreds. The number converter performs the conversion between the Indian number system and other international number system. The million - billion currency converter performs the currency conversion between the World currencies.   

Million Billion Currency Converter
1 Million in India Rupee
1 million = 10 lakhs
 1 million US Dollars = 7.26 crore Indian Rupees
 1 million Euro = 8.81 crore Indian Rupees
 1 million Pounds = 10.1 crore Indian Rupees
updated on

Numbers Conversion Table
1 Hundred100
1 Thousand1,000
10 Thousand10,000
1 Lakh1,00,000
1 Million1,000,000
10 Million10,000,000
1 Crore1,00,00,000
100 Million100,000,000
200 Million200,000,000
300 Million300,000,000
1 Billion1,000,000,000
10 Billion10,000,000,000
100 Billion100,000,000,000
1 Trillion1,000,000,000,000

In some countries like India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan & Bangladesh follows the vedic numbering system, where the regular notation of the number system differ from the US & other parts of the world number representation system. Usually the regular notation or representation of numbers in US and other parts of the World except the above countries use the seperator for each 3 digits from the right to left (1 million = 1,000,000 & 1 billion = 1,000,000,000) where as in vedic numbering system uses the mixed seperation 2 & 3 digits grouping (Lakh = 1,00,000 & crore = 1,00,00,000) represent the numbers.

Million, Billion, Crore & Lakhs Comparison
1 Million10 Lakhs
1 Million0.1 Crore
10 Million1 Crore
1 Crore100 Lakhs
1 Crore10 Million
1 Crore0.01 Billion
1 Billion10,000 Lakhs
1 Billion100 Crores
1 Lakhs0.1 Million
From the left, the first group seperation contain 3 digits and the remaining digits will be groupd by 2 digits in vedic number system ranges from ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, lakhs, crores and so on. In other parts of the World the grouping of numbers represented from ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, hundred thousands, millions, billions, trillions and so on. Therefore, when the numbers represented in millions & billions in the countries following the vedic numbering system, people bit confused of how much lack or crore is equal to 1 million, where this million - billion calculator may be useful to convert the numbers seperated by three digit groups to the numbers seperated by the mix of 2 & 3 digit groups.

Million to Crore Conversion
1 Million0.1 Crore
2 Million0.2 Crore
5 Million0.5 Crore
10 Million1 Crore
15 Million1.5 Crores
20 Million2 Crores
50 Million5 Crores
100 Million10 Crores
150 Million15 Crores
200 Million20 Crores
250 Million25 Crores
300 Million30 Crores
500 Million50 Crores
Million to Lakhs Conversion
0.1 Million1 Lakh
0.2 Million2 Lakhs
0.5 Million5 Lakhs
1 Million10 Lakhs
1.5 Million15 Lakhs
2 Million20 Lakhs
5 Million50 Lakhs
1 Million10 Lakhs
2 Million20 Lakhs
2.5 Million25 Lakhs
3 Million30 Lakhs
10 Million100 Lakhs

Million to Billion Conversion
1 Billion1000 Million
1.2 Billion1200 Million
1.3 Billion1300 Million
2 Billion2000 Million
2.4 Billion2400 Million
3 Billion3000 Million
4 Billion4000 Million
5 Billion5000 Million
6 Billion6000 Million
7 Billion7000 Million
7.7 Billion7700 Million
8 Billion8000 Million
9 Billion9000 Million
10 Billion10000 Million
0.001 Billion1 Million
0.002 Billion2 Million
0.003 Billion3 Million
0.005 Billion5 Million
0.01 Billion10 Million
0.1 Billion100 Million
Billion to Crore Conversion
1 Billion 100 Crores
1.324 Billion 132.4 Crores
1.3 Billion 130 Crores
7.6 Billion 760 Crores
1.339 Billion 133.9 Crores
1.2 Billion 120 Crores
100 Billion 10000 Crores
5 Billion 500 Crores
20 Billion 2000 Crores
25 Billion 2500 Crores
30 Billion 3000 Crores
This million - billion calculator may be used for the following purposes
  1. How many lakhs are equals to 1 million?
  2. How many crores or lacs are equals to 1 billion?
  3. How many millions equal to 1 crore?
  4. How many millions are equal to 1 billion?
  5. How many millions are equal to 1 trillion?
  6. How many zeros in 1 million, billion and trillion?
  7. 1 million or billion USD equals to how much in INR (Indian Rupees), BDT (Bangladesh Taka), PKR (Pakistan Rupees), LKR (Sri Lanka Rupees) & in other World currencies vice versa?
We used to have few queries to our support to represent what is 1 million in binary representation, the binary value for 1 million is 111101000010010000002. We recommend you to use decimal to binary converter, for any other values. The numbers & currency conversion between billions, millions, trillions, crores, lacs, thousands & hundreds can be easily done by using this million - billion calculator. The numbers to word conversion can be done by using the number to word converter.